Let there be eight – Screening Sat 22nd of Feb. 2014

As part of the e-Luminate festival, The Cambridge Super 8 group presents a screening of experimental films on the theme of light.

Saturday 22 Feb. from 8pm to 10pm at Anglia Ruskin University, Room 117 Coslett Building, Cambridge, UK

Free entrance with films from Colin Dewar, Arnaud Gerber, Nicholas Kovats, Pedro Maia, Dagie Brundert, Julian hand, Paulo Abreu, Fred l’Epee, Ian Helliwell, Charles Cauchoix and more


Screening Super 8 my brain – Saturday, 18th January, 2014


Prepare to have your blood frozen with terror! Thrill to the delights of such spooky classics as What’s in the Barn?, Leftovers, and The mail attacks
Tony Clarke will present a programme of short zombie movies and other horror stories shot on Super 8 film. Shocking and hilarious by turns you are sure to have a memorable evening.

super8_my brain small

Where: Babylon Gallery,Waterside, Ely CB7 4AU

When: Saturday, 18th January, 2014: 7:30 PM

Price: £5/£3 (18+)
Telephone: 01353616991

Special xmas screening – 23rd of December 2013


To get in the Christmas mood, We will show short films related to Christmas. We will have also the new films from Portuguese filmmaker Paulo Abreu (the Scoudrel and Beard) . Paulo won two awards at the Cambridge Super 8 festival in the past.

at Hot Numbers coffee 

Unit 6, Dales Brewery, Gwydir St, CB1 2LJ Cambridge at 7pm

Free entrance (18 certification)

Memory project in Cambridge


Could you help tell the story of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden ?
If you do have film footage of the botanic garden you could share, please do get in touch. All film formats will be converted for digital use and the original film will be returned to you along with a digital copy. Click here for more info.

Volunteer meeting in September and October 2013

Challenge yourself with Super 8 project, fill an art space wih motion and noise, help put on showings and festivals.

We have equipment. We have projects. We have dreams.
We need friends and collaborators.
Come and meet us.

Monday 30th September 6:00pm

Wednesday 09h October 6:00pm

Wednesday 23rd October 6:30pm

at the University social club bar (downstairs) on Mill lane, Cambridge or contact us using our contact page

Small frame, big ideas – Sunday 23rd of June 2013

As part of new film strand to Ely Cinema  & Village Screens during the Isle of Ely Arts Festival (celebrating the best of arts & culture throughout East Cambridgeshire this June),  a special programme of Super 8 films will be presented at the Ely Cinema at 3pm on the 23rd of June


Floating micro cinema on the 21 June 2013 4:30 – 9:30pm in Ely

LB poster

Last summer, over 40 people took part in a LIVE DUCK SHOOT filming Ely’s Muscovy Ducks with Super 8 cameras on Ely Riverside. This summer solstice the LIBERTY BELLE tour boat will become a FLOATING MICRO CINEMA with a special afternoon/evening of Super 8mm footage from the LIVE DUCK SHOOT along with a selection of films relating to life on the river.

Hardcore Wondermentalism!

As part of the Flicker: Artists & Super 8 exhibition in Bury St Edmunds, we’ve invited a number of practitioners to run hands-on workshops. Over the weekend of 16/17 February it was the turn of Martha Jurksaitis, founder of Cherry Kino in Leeds, to lead a group that shot and developed films in a darkroom under her expert supervision. We caught up with Martha at Abbeygate Picturehouse on the Saturday evening and interviewed her at length about the European DIY developing scene, the origins of Cherry Kino and the attractions of playing with film chemistry. Listen to the interview (MP3, 28 minutes, 25MB).

Martha curates work under the banner of “Wondermental Cinema” and you can follow her blog.

In the interview she mentions the Hamburg supplier Wittner and the new ADOX monochrome film.

Coming soon in this interview series: Dagie Brundert! And more adventures among the fixer-fingered folk keeping film alive and kicking…

Super 8 Cine Night at the Swann – Friday 22nd of March 2013


A night of retro film footage, social historical images with musical treats. Also the opportunity to bring along any film you have, there will be spare projectors and hands on experience to show you how. Or just come along and enjoy the show.

There will be plenty of popcorn too!